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  • Shivani Pai

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data

In the ever-evolving world of data collection and analysis, two prominent methods stand out: web scraping and APIs. Both techniques have become essential tools for businesses and developers, each offering unique advantages and challenges.

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of web scraping and API, comparing their pros and cons to help you decide which method suits your needs best.

We'll explore these aspects in detail, examining the legal, technical, and practical implications of using web scraping and APIs. Whether you're a data analyst, a business owner, or a curious technologist, this comparison will shed light on the best practices and considerations for data collection in the digital age. Join us as we navigate the intricate landscape of web scraping versus API use, helping you make an informed choice for your data needs.

What is Web scraping and how does it work?

Web scraping is a powerful technique used to extract data from websites. It involves automating the process of accessing web pages, fetching the relevant information, and saving it for further analysis or integration into other systems. In simple terms, it's like having an automated bot that visits web pages, reads the content, and collects the data you need. A good example of web scraping is scraping product data to build price comparison websites. We scraping provides direct access to the data.

To understand the intricacies of web scraping and its role in data extraction, it's important to delve deeper into the process. Firstly, a web scraping tool or script is meticulously developed, carefully considering the target website and the specific data that needs to be scrapped. This tool acts as the conduit between the user and the desired information, enabling a seamless extraction process.

The next step involves sending an HTTP request to the target website server. This request serves as a virtual knocking on the server's door, requesting access to the HTML code of the web page in question. Upon approval, the server obliges by providing the requested HTML code, which serves as a digital blueprint containing the structural layout, content, and multitude of elements present on the page.

Sometimes, just an HTTP request might not be enough because the websites might have anti-scraping technologies in place to block the web scraper. In that case, we will need to use different IP addresses, user agents, and headless browsers.

The beauty of web scraping lies in its ability to navigate through this sea of HTML code with finesse, extracting the desired data points with surgical precision. Guided by the specified instructions within the scraping tool, the underlying algorithm meticulously combs through the HTML code, honing in on the designated data elements. This process involves leveraging powerful parsing techniques to pinpoint and extract the required data, ensuring a robust and accurate output.

Next, the web scraper parses the HTML code to locate the specific data elements based on predetermined criteria. This can involve using CSS selectors, XPaths, or regular expressions to identify and extract the desired information. Once the data is extracted, it can be cleaned and transformed as needed, such as removing unwanted characters or formatting it to fit a specific structure.

However, it's essential to note that web scraping isn't confined to the realm of solitary web pages. In fact, it possesses the capability to traverse multiple websites, unlocking a treasure trove of information for users. Whether it's market research, data collection, or knowledge enrichment, web scraping offers an avenue to acquire vast amounts of data from diverse sources.

Web scraping can be highly valuable in many contexts. In the world of e-commerce, web scraping allows businesses to monitor competitor prices, aggregate product reviews, and track market trends.

What are APIs, and how do they work?

APIs, which stands for Application Programming Interfaces, are powerful tools that facilitate communication and interaction between different software applications. They act as intermediaries, allowing developers to access and use data or functionality from other systems without starting from scratch. Essentially, APIs provide a standardized way for applications to seamlessly exchange information.

So, how does an API work? Picture it as a bridge between two applications, enabling the smooth flow of data and instructions. When a developer wants to retrieve specific data or functionality from an application, they make a request to the API. This request follows a predefined structure, specifying the desired action and any necessary parameters.

Once the API receives the request, it processes the information and communicates with the target application. The API retrieves the requested data or performs the required action while adhering to security measures and permissions. The data or response is then sent back to the developer's application in a suitable format, like JSON or XML, for easy integration and utilization.

Developers have multiple methods to access API data and functionality. One common approach is issuing HTTP requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE, to specific endpoints provided by the API. These endpoints act as gateways to various functions and resources within the API. By utilizing these endpoints, developers can retrieve data, create, update, or delete resources, and perform numerous supported operations.

To access an API, developers typically require an API key or access token for authentication and authorization purposes. These identifiers verify the developer's identity and grant the necessary privileges to access data or perform actions. API providers can safeguard their data and control access to their services by implementing this security measure. You don't need a lot of technical knowledge to access the data.

Furthermore, APIs empower developers to integrate external services and functionalities into their own applications. For example, a dynamic pricing app developer can incorporate an Amazon API to fetch real-time product data and display it within their application's user interface. This integration saves significant development time and resources while providing users with valuable information.

API Scraping

When it comes to web scraping, another variation known as API scraping is worth mentioning; sometimes, websites rely on an internal API to supply data to their front end or user interface. This creates an interesting dynamic for scraping enthusiasts.

However, the process of scraping data from a website built with a client-side framework differs slightly. In this scenario, the server still sends the static content comprising HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, the HTML itself is just a template containing no actual data. Separately, the Javascript in the server response fetches the data from an API and utilizes it to generate the page on the client side.

If you find yourself faced with this situation, there are a few steps you can take to obtain the desired data. First, you can identify the API being used by utilizing the Chrome Developer Tools. This allows you to gain insights into how the requests are structured. Once you grasp the API's structure, you can manipulate parameters and retrieve the required data. One notable advantage of using APIs for scraping is that the data is typically returned in a structured JSON format, making it easier to handle and analyze.

In general, applications that rely on an API for data retrieval are often more straightforward to scrape compared to their counterparts. The crux lies in the ability to locate and understand the workings of the API. Once you have gained this knowledge, scraping the data becomes a relatively smooth process.

Pros and Cons of APIs and Web Scraping in Different Scenarios

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and web scraping are two methods commonly used to extract data from websites and web services. While both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, their effectiveness largely depends on the specific scenario and requirements.

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data

Technical Complexity and Data Access: Web Scraping vs APIs

When evaluating the technical aspects of accessing data through APIs and web scraping, it's crucial to consider the factors that contribute to their complexity, accessibility, and limitations.


In terms of ease of use, APIs generally offer straightforward methods for requesting data, typically via HTTP requests. Additionally, they often provide responses in structured formats like JSON or XML, making it easier to parse programmatically.

However, APIs may introduce complexities related to authentication and authorization. Some APIs require authentication, such as API keys or OAuth tokens, which adds an extra layer of complexity in securely managing these credentials.

Data Access and Limitations

It's important to note that not all data may be available through an API. Providers may impose limitations on the scope of accessible data due to privacy concerns, business policies, or technical constraints.

Furthermore, APIs commonly impose rate limits and quotas, restricting the volume of data that can be accessed within a certain timeframe. This can complicate large-scale data access projects, requiring careful management of requests.

The ease of accessing specific data is also dependent on how the API is structured. Some APIs may not provide the most efficient means of accessing certain types of data, necessitating multiple requests or the use of complex query parameters.

Web Scraping

Web scraping involves parsing HTML and, in some cases, executing JavaScript, making it more complex due to the dynamic nature of web page structures. Scrapers need to handle various web page structures effectively.

Furthermore, many modern websites utilize JavaScript to load content dynamically, which can further increase the complexity of web scraping. More sophisticated approaches, such as using headless browsers, may be required to extract such dynamic content.

Maintenance is another consideration when it comes to web scraping. Web scrapers often need to be regularly updated to accommodate changes in a website's structure or design, making them more maintenance-intensive.

Data Access and Limitations

One advantage of web scraping is the ability to access data that might not be available through an API. This makes it useful for extracting information from websites without a public API.

Scalability and performance can also be challenging when it comes to web scraping. Both the scraper itself and the target website can experience resource-intensive demands, making large-scale scraping projects more intricate. In response, websites may implement countermeasures to mitigate the impact of scraping.

Understanding the nuances of both APIs and web scraping is crucial when considering data accessibility and limitations. Each method has its own complexities and considerations that should be taken into account based on the specific requirements of a project.

Customizability: Web scraping vs APIs

Customizability plays a crucial role when comparing web scraping and APIs. APIs offer structured queries that allow users to specify their exact data requirements. This feature reduces the retrieval of irrelevant data, saving both time and resources. Additionally, APIs provide a consistent data format, seamlessly integrating the data into applications or systems. Moreover, APIs offer adjustable parameters, such as filtering, sorting, and pagination, giving users enhanced control over the response they receive.

However, APIs have limitations that are important to consider. The level of customization is constrained by what the API provider has made available. If the API does not support a specific data type or format, users cannot access it. Furthermore, the scope of data accessible is determined by the API, meaning that any data outside of this defined scope becomes unreachable.

On the other hand, web scraping offers a distinct advantage in terms of customizability. It allows complete control over the data extraction process, enabling users to selectively extract the desired data from a webpage. This level of customizability is particularly useful when dealing with complex data requirements. Additionally, web scraping tools can be programmed to format the extracted data in any desired structure or format, providing further flexibility.

Moreover, web scraping can adapt to different websites, including those with intricate page structures. This adaptability makes web scraping versatile for extracting data from various sources.

However, there are certain challenges associated with web scraping. The technical difficulty in achieving high accuracy is high. Achieving a high level of customization often demands more complex programming, especially when dealing with dynamic websites or diverse website layouts. Additionally, maintaining web scrapers requires regular updates to accommodate changes in web page designs. This maintenance overhead can be time-consuming and necessitates continuous monitoring.

In conclusion, both web scraping and APIs offer customization options. APIs provide structured queries and adjustable parameters, ensuring ease of integration and a reduced volume of irrelevant data. On the other hand, web scraping offers unparalleled control and flexibility in data extraction and the ability to adapt to different websites. Nonetheless, web scraping may require more complexity in implementation and ongoing maintenance.

Data Ownership: Web scraping vs. APIs

APIs offer several advantages when it comes to data ownership. First, using an API is often in line with legal terms set by the data provider, ensuring compliance with data ownership laws and regulations. APIs also come with clear licensing terms that define how the data can be used, providing clarity on ownership issues. Additionally, the API provider may be held accountable for the data's accuracy and legality.

However, there are some drawbacks to using APIs. The terms of service of an API can be restrictive, imposing limitations on how the data can be used, shared, or modified. Users also become dependent on the provider for data updates and accuracy, and the provider has the ability to restrict or revoke access at any time. Furthermore, if an API provides aggregated or processed data, there is a potential for data discrepancies that may not accurately reflect the original data source.

On the other hand, web scraping offers independence in data collection. It allows users to gather data independently, free from the constraints of API terms. Web scraping provides access to publicly available data on websites that may not be offered through an API.

However, there are legal and ethical risks associated with web scraping. It can lead to legal issues if it violates a website's terms of service or copyright laws. Additionally, there is no guarantee of the accuracy or legality of scraped data, and the responsibility lies with the scraper to ensure its proper use. Unlike APIs, web scraping does not provide formal data ownership or licensing terms, leading to ambiguity in how the data can be used and shared.

In conclusion, while APIs offer legal compliance, clear licensing terms, and provider accountability, they can also be restrictive and create dependence on the provider. Web scraping provides independence and access to publicly available data, but comes with legal and ethical risks, as well as uncertainty in data ownership. When deciding between the two, it is crucial to consider the specific needs and requirements of the data project, as well as the potential risks involved.

Dependency: Web scraping vs APIs

Both APIs and web scraping come with their own sets of dependencies which can affect how data is accessed, maintained, and utilized. Dependency here refers to the reliance on external factors such as the data source's stability, structure, and policies.



APIs offer stable and reliable data sources, typically provided by established organizations. This ensures a consistent data stream that can be trusted for accuracy and reliability.

Data from APIs is usually delivered in a structured format, such as JSON or XML. This structured format makes integration and usage in applications more seamless and efficient.

API providers often offer support and documentation, which can be invaluable for troubleshooting and understanding the intricacies of the data structures. This support helps developers navigate any challenges they may encounter.


When using an API, there is a dependence on the provider's terms of service, availability, and any changes they may make to the API structure or policies. This can sometimes result in disruptions or limitations to data access.

Many APIs impose rate limits and access restrictions. These limitations may require paid subscriptions for extensive access, creating a dependency on the provider's pricing structure and access policies.

There is always a risk of an API being discontinued or significantly changed by the provider. This can potentially impact the functioning of applications that rely on the API for data.

Web Scraping


Web scraping offers independence from specific APIs, providing more flexibility in choosing data sources. This allows for the exploration of a wider range of data without being limited to what an API provides.

Scraping can access any data that is publicly available on a website, offering a broader scope of information. This opens up possibilities for gathering unique data that may not be accessible through APIs.

With web scraping, there is greater control over the data retrieval process. Developers have the ability to customize how data is fetched, processed, and used according to their specific requirements.


Scrapers are highly dependent on the structure of the websites they target. Any changes to the website's structure can potentially break the scraping process, requiring adjustments to the scraper code.

Maintenance and monitoring are essential for scrapers. Continuous adaptation to website changes is necessary to ensure the scraper functions properly. This ongoing development effort creates a dependency on dedicated resources.

Scraping practices are subject to legal and ethical norms, which may vary between regions and websites. It is crucial to adhere to these norms to avoid any legal complications or ethical concerns that can arise from unauthorized data extraction.

Cost: Web scraping vs APIs

When comparing web scraping and APIs, cost is an important factor to consider. API services often offer free tiers and plans, making them attractive for small-scale or occasional data needs. These free tiers can be sufficient for many users and provide access to essential functionality. Additionally, APIs typically have defined pricing structures for their paid plans, offering predictability in cost management and budgeting.

Using an API can also result in reduced development and maintenance costs compared to building and maintaining a custom web scraper. APIs provide ready-to-use data endpoints, eliminating the need to invest time and resources in developing and testing a scraper. This allows developers to focus on other aspects of their projects and can be a significant time and cost saver.

However, there are some cons to consider when it comes to the cost of APIs. Accessing large volumes of data or utilizing advanced features often requires upgrading to paid plans, which can become expensive. Additionally, the pricing models of API providers might change over time, potentially increasing costs unexpectedly. Free tiers of APIs also come with rate limits, limiting extensive use and necessitating upgrades to more expensive plans.

On the other hand, web scraping generally doesn't involve direct costs for data access since it extracts data from publicly available web pages. This can be beneficial when working with large-scale data extraction, as it bypasses the need for potentially expensive API subscriptions. However, there are some downsides to consider in terms of cost.

Writing, testing, and maintaining web scrapers can require significant time and resources, especially for complex websites. Development and maintenance costs should be taken into account when considering web scraping as an option. Additionally, running web scrapers, especially at scale, incurs operational costs related to server usage, bandwidth, and potential expenses for using proxy services to avoid IP blocking.

Furthermore, there are legal and ethical risks associated with web scraping that can result in unforeseen costs. Issues such as potential violations of website terms of service or copyright infringement can lead to legal consequences, including the need for legal advice or litigation.

APIs often come with a structured, potentially free, or low-cost way to access data, but costs can escalate for high-volume access or advanced features. Web scraping avoids direct data access costs and can be a cost-effective solution for large-scale data extraction. However, it may involve higher development, operational, and potential legal costs. The decision between APIs and web scraping should consider both the immediate and long-term financial implications, as well as the scale and complexity of the data retrieval needs.

Availability: Web scraping vs APIs

Availability is a crucial factor to consider when comparing APIs and web scraping. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages regarding data accessibility, continuity of access, and potential interruptions or changes in data sources.

When it comes to APIs, there are several pros worth mentioning. Firstly, APIs are designed to provide reliable and consistent access to data, often with high uptime guarantees. This ensures that you can depend on APIs for accessing the data you need. Additionally, the data provided through APIs is typically structured and predictable, usually in formats like JSON or XML. This consistency over time makes it easier to work with the data. Lastly, APIs offer controlled access to data as the provider manages them. This means that you can rely on a stable and controlled environment when accessing data through APIs.

However, there are certain cons associated with APIs as well. One downside is that data availability through an API depends entirely on the provider. They have the power to impose limits, make changes to the API, or even discontinue the service altogether. This means that you are at the mercy of the provider's decisions regarding the accessibility of the data. Additionally, many APIs have rate limits, restricting the amount of data you can access within a specific period. Lastly, even though APIs are generally reliable, they can still experience downtime due to maintenance or technical issues on the provider's side, interrupting your data access.

On the other hand, web scraping offers its own set of pros. One major advantage is that web scraping allows you to access data that may not be available through an API. This means you have a broader range of potential data sources to work with. Moreover, scraping is not subject to the same restrictions as API use, such as rate limits or limitations on the scope of accessible data. This gives you more freedom in terms of data collection.

Additionally, web scraping provides flexibility in terms of data collection frequency, allowing you to scrape data as often as needed as long as the target website remains accessible.

However, web scraping also has its cons that should be considered. One downside is that scrapers are highly dependent on the structure of the target website. If the website undergoes changes, the scraping process can break, resulting in the interruption of data access. This means you need to continuously monitor the websites you scrape and make necessary adjustments to adapt to any changes.

Another consideration is the potential for legal and ethical issues with web scraping. Unauthorized scraping can lead to legal challenges or even bans from the website, disrupting the continuity of data access. Lastly, web scraping requires continuous maintenance and monitoring to ensure uninterrupted data access. Scrapers need regular updates to adapt to website changes, which adds an ongoing requirement to this method.

APIs offer a more stable and predictable method for accessing data, but they come with the risk of provider-imposed restrictions and potential discontinuation. Web scraping provides broader access to data and is not limited by API constraints, but it is more susceptible to interruptions due to website changes and legal challenges. The choice between the two should consider the stability of the data source, the frequency of data access needs, and the potential for changes in the data environment.

Legal and Ethical Concerns: Web Scraping vs APIs

When considering legal and ethical concerns, it is important to recognize that APIs and web scraping each present their own unique challenges and considerations. Addressing these concerns is vital, as they can greatly impact the legality, reputation, and overall ethical standing of data collection practices.


The use of APIs comes with a set of pros and cons in terms of legal and ethical considerations. On the positive side, APIs often require adherence to the data provider's terms of service, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Additionally, APIs typically provide clear guidelines on how data can be used, shared, and stored, reducing ambiguities. Furthermore, API providers are likely to be compliant with data privacy laws such as GDPR, ensuring the ethical handling of personal data.

However, there are also drawbacks to consider when using APIs. The terms of service associated with an API may impose significant restrictions on the usage of data, limiting its application. Furthermore, despite using an API, there is still a risk of misusing data in ways that are not compliant with legal or ethical standards. Lastly, users of APIs are dependent on the provider's compliance with legal and ethical standards, which can be a risk if the provider fails to comply.

Web Scraping vs. API: Which is Best?

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data
web scraping vs API comparison

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the best way to extract data
web scraping vs API comparison

Web scraping offers its own set of pros and cons when it comes to legal and ethical concerns. One advantage is the autonomy it provides in data collection, allowing for independent and responsible practices under the appropriate circumstances. Additionally, scraping publicly available and non-personal data can be considered ethical and legal, especially when done per the website's terms of service.

However, web scraping also carries notable risks and concerns. Engaging in scraping without proper authorization can result in legal issues, particularly if it violates website terms of service, copyright laws, or data privacy regulations. Ethical concerns arise when scraping personal or sensitive information without consent, as this can breach data privacy laws and raise ethical considerations. Lastly, web scraping can impact the performance of the target website's server resources, leading to potential ethical concerns or even legal action.

APIs generally provide a more secure and ethically sound method of data collection as long as users adhere to the provided terms of service and usage guidelines. On the other hand, while web scraping offers more autonomy in data collection, it carries significant legal and ethical risks related to data privacy, terms of service violation, and potential server overload. The choice between APIs and web scraping should be made considering the project requirements, technical requirements, the technical skills of the team, and the budget.

If web scraping is not possible, APIs are the way to go. However, in the modern era, companies prefer web scraping + APIs to extract data from websites. If you want to obtain a considerable amount of data, contact Datahut, and we'll provide you with a specialized web scraper program to handle your scraping needs. So what are your takes on the Web scraping vs API's debate? let us know in the comments.

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