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Datahut Blog
A blog for people & companies looking to make a big business impact with data acquired using web scraping and web crawling. Learn the best practices, business use cases, legality, and how you can do your job better with data.
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Thasni M A
May 5, 202313 min read
Scraping Decathlon using Playwright in Python
Decathlon is a rеnownеd sporting goods rеtailеr that offеrs a divеrsе rangе of products, including sports apparеl, shoеs and еquipmеnt....

Tony Paul
Jul 22, 20226 min read
How to Build an Amazon Price Tracker using Python
Everybody loves to get their products on amazon at their lowest prices. I have a bucket list full of electronic gadgets that I am waiting...

Tony Paul
May 20, 202111 min read
Predatory Pricing of eCommerce companies in the pulse oximeter category: Data & Insights
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for medical equipment for at-home health monitoring has witnessed a boom. One of...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
May 12, 20216 min read
The Indian Washing Machine Market: Product Category Analysis and Insights
The Indian washing machines market is expected to grow between 3 - 4 CAGR from 2021 to 2025. For a country with over a billion people,...

Anmol Chawla
Aug 23, 20185 min read
9 Must See TED Talks on Big Data
With its fast-paced growth, big data brought a revolution with itself that is simply inspiring. Over the year, data analytics, data...

Anmol Chawla
Aug 19, 20184 min read
Big Data in Fintech : How Fintech is Leveraging Big Data to Win over Banks
Think of a world where you never have to visit a bank, where all the financial services are merely the touch of a button away. The...

Anmol Chawla
Aug 10, 20184 min read
How Netflix leverages Big Data Analytics to Drive Success
If you ever want to predict the future, learn how Netflix does it. Once upon a time, legendary screenwriter William Goldman said,...

Rupal Mishra
Aug 6, 20185 min read
How to Use Predictive Analytics to Prevent Customer Problems Before they Arise
Prevention is better than cure. An important point to consider for a successful business is forecasting problems before they arise and...

Anmol Chawla
Aug 1, 20184 min read
Why Predictive Shopping Will Dominate Retail in 2018
A few years back, a huge debate had many the fate of many retail stores hanging by a thread. Many chains were wondering if retails store...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
May 25, 20184 min read
How to Convert your Company’s Big Data into Actionable Data
The amount of data that is generated today in an hour is astounding. It can be a valuable asset for those who know how to leverage this...

Tony Paul
Aug 17, 20173 min read
How Data is Driving Disruptive Innovation in Online Retail
With the influx of predictive analysis and artificial intelligence in retail, data driven insights have enabled corporations to take...

Tony Paul
Aug 12, 20173 min read
How Restaurant Analytics Can Fuel Your Business Growth
In the culinary world, food is not simply a means of sustenance. It’s passion, flavor, madness, and love all mixed into one. From a...

Tony Paul
Jul 26, 20174 min read
How Big Data and Predictive Analytics are Enabling Travelers Score Cheap Airfare
If we all just look back into our childhoods, one of our fondest memories would be flying off to a vacation. Today, while travel is a...

Tony Paul
Jul 22, 20173 min read
How Big Data is Transforming the Healthcare Industry
The influx of big data analytics has disrupted every industry and has transformed the way we manage, analyze and leverage data. But one...

Tony Paul
Jul 8, 20178 min read
7 Key Data Analytics Trends Predicted to Dominate 2017
In this era of humongous data production from every industry, analytics has become the holy grail for growing your business. According to...
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