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Datahut Blog
A blog for people & companies looking to make a big business impact with data acquired using web scraping and web crawling. Learn the best practices, business use cases, legality, and how you can do your job better with data.
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Thasni M A
May 5, 202313 min read
Scraping Decathlon using Playwright in Python
Decathlon is a rеnownеd sporting goods rеtailеr that offеrs a divеrsе rangе of products, including sports apparеl, shoеs and еquipmеnt....

Tony Paul
Jul 22, 20226 min read
How to Build an Amazon Price Tracker using Python
Everybody loves to get their products on amazon at their lowest prices. I have a bucket list full of electronic gadgets that I am waiting...

Tony Paul
May 20, 202111 min read
Predatory Pricing of eCommerce companies in the pulse oximeter category: Data & Insights
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for medical equipment for at-home health monitoring has witnessed a boom. One of...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
May 12, 20216 min read
The Indian Washing Machine Market: Product Category Analysis and Insights
The Indian washing machines market is expected to grow between 3 - 4 CAGR from 2021 to 2025. For a country with over a billion people,...

Tony Paul
May 20, 202111 min read
Predatory Pricing of eCommerce companies in the pulse oximeter category: Data & Insights
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for medical equipment for at-home health monitoring has witnessed a boom. One of...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
May 12, 20216 min read
The Indian Washing Machine Market: Product Category Analysis and Insights
The Indian washing machines market is expected to grow between 3 - 4 CAGR from 2021 to 2025. For a country with over a billion people,...

Tony Paul
Apr 16, 20216 min read
The Indian Smartphone Market Analysis & Insights
The Indian Smartphone Market Analysis & insights for e-commerce pricing analysts.

Sakshi Ragini
Sep 21, 20207 min read
11 Competitor KPIs Every Brand Should Track – Part 2
A goal is valuable when you keep moving towards it with every other strategy you put forth on the table. The method retailers or...

Sakshi Ragini
Sep 21, 20206 min read
11 Competitor KPIs Every Brand Should Track – Part 1
As a retailer, your journey moves only in the direction of growth. That is why you are always chasing goals. As soon as you accomplish...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jul 24, 20205 min read
How to Use Product Intelligence to Win Customers
By now, everyone has figured out that data means opportunity. But how exactly does data become an opportunity? Markets are volatile and...

Sakshi Ragini
May 4, 20209 min read
Coronavirus: Changing consumer behavior and e-commerce trends
The COVID-19 crisis is changing consumer behavior across eCommerce platforms tremendously. Due to this change, a few businesses will...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Mar 12, 20206 min read
How to use competitive intelligence to beat the competition
With the enormous amount of data generated by the business processes and the rapidly increasing volumes of information flowing within and...

Sakshi Ragini
Jan 29, 20207 min read
How to Hit a Home Run as an Amazon Seller
Amazon is a global platform that harbors buyers and sellers, both. Nowadays, its online presence defines a business. Hence, all merchants...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jul 2, 20185 min read
GDPR and The Digital Peddle: How GDPR will Transform Digital Marketing
With the world becoming more data-centric and digitization burgeoning into every aspect of our lives, the amount of publicly available...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jun 15, 20183 min read
GDPR Introduces the Consent Epoch: How to Convince Customers to Share Personal Data
From 25th May 2018, the enforcement of European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replacing the EU’s Data Protection...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jun 11, 20185 min read
Why Big Companies need to build a Data Driven Culture?
Since the concept of large data centers became popular in the late 20th century, computing algorithms, computer infrastructure and...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Apr 24, 20183 min read
How Competitive Intelligence can thrive your business?
Every business strives to be at the top of their game all the time. Well, so does everyone else. So what will it take for you to stand...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Apr 11, 20183 min read
How Data Scraping can give your Business a Competitive Edge over Others
In today’s world, data is your goldmine! If you can successfully leverage insights generated from data, you’ll witness your business grow...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Feb 5, 20185 min read
Why Business Intelligence Professionals Should use DaaS Instead of a DIY Tool ?
We’re not in an information age anymore. We’re in the information management age. – Chris Hardwick The most cliché definition you might...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Apr 22, 20162 min read
How we used a highly targeted B2B marketing campaign to generate 3 x more salesÂ
No company can run a successful marketing campaign without relevant marketing data. Most failed marketing campaigns have three things in...
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